VICTORVILLE, CA. (Pain In The Pass) >> A big rig overturned after its driver fell asleep on Interstate 15 in Victorville, one southbound lane was blocked and traffic was backed up for miles for several hours Monday morning- afternoon.

California Highway Patrol and Victorville City Fire Department responded to the traffic collision. They reported the crash at about 5:03am Monday February 7, 2022. From what a witness stated, the truck driver fell asleep and drifted into the right shoulder into the ditch and overturned on it’s side.
It’s reported to be a trailer full of cantaloupes and other produce. The big rig driver was not injured.
CHP and the tow company needed to close the slow lane to offload the produce. Then at around 2pm the two right lanes were closed so the big rig and trailer couldbe pulled upright. All lanes were reopened by 4pm. Traffic was backed up to D Street at one point.
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