SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, CA. (Pain In The Pass) >> The Southern California Weather Force has issued a Flood Watch for Saturday through Sunday for the mountains and high and low deserts. 

A couple of easterly waves of monsoon moisture are in the forecast. This will be a very active weekend with strong/severe thunderstorms that develop over the mountains and desert areas throughout the weekend with them moving slow north or the northwest direction from the east. Some of these popup storms could bringing potentially heavy rainfall and an elevated risk for flash flooding.

A thunderstorm Advisory/Warning or a Flash Flood Advisory/Warning may be issued for parts of the Southern California. Check back for a updates on Southern California Weather Force website or on the Pain in the Pass Traffic Group on Facebook.

Remember lightning can happen ANYWHERE! So when thunder roars, go indoors! It’s the only safe place when lightning strikes. Also remember with Flash Flooding Remember, Turn Around, Don’t Drown!

The “Good News” this could potentially leading to some nice sunsets!

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