CAJON PASS, CA (Pain In The Pass) >> As of Friday evening another round of fog is impacting the Cajon Pass due to the storm going through again on the Friday getaway commute. Visibility was less than a quarter-mile at times at the top of the Cajon Pass to Highway 138 on Interstate 15 in both direction. There is also light rain showers in the pass tonight.

Southbound fog starts around Oak Hill Road the fog will clear up as you approach Highway 138.

Northbound side the fog starts about a mile or two after Hwy 138 then clears up after Oak Hills Rd.

Don’t use emergency lights (flashers) while driving in the fog.

Driving in fog with flashers on is a moving violation ticket. So please turn them off.

Remember if it raining The law says “wipers on, lights on”.

Please drive safe, slow in the fog and take your time.

Here are some safety tips for driving in the fog:

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