VICTOR VALLEY, CA. (Pain In The Pass) >> A High Wind Advisory for Monday November 28, 2022. A Gusty Wind Event for the Victor Valley, Lucerne Valley, and Mojave Desert locations. Also from the mountains to the Las Vegas area.

Southern California Weather Force Weather Service has issued a High Wind Advisory for the high desert. With winds blowing around 30-40 mph with max wind gust at 50+ mph in the Victor Valley area. Parts of the the Barstow area will have 40-50+ mph winds.

Hazardous driving conditions are possible blowing dust especially on the 15 freeway from the top of the Cajon Pass to the Las Vegas area. Also gusty winds on Highway 395, Hwy 18/247, and I-40 freeway.

Please drive safe in the wind and in the blowing dust/sand. Those in the wind areas should secure loose items including trash cans, BBQ, and patio furniture now.

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