SACRAMENTO, CA. (Pain In The Pass) >> The California Highway Patrol (CHP), California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) and Impact Teen Drivers (ITD) are working together this April to remind Californians of the dangers of not giving the road their full attention when behind the wheel as part of Distracted Driving Awareness Month. 

NHTSA estimates 3,142 people were killed and 324,652 were injured in car crashes as a result of distracted driving, in 2020. Distraction does not just mean texting on your phone, it can also include eating and drinking, grooming, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the radio, or navigation system. Please don’t engage in activity that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving – it is extremely unsafe and can be deadly.

“Distracted driving is a serious issue that is 100 percent preventable,” OTS Director Barbara Rooney said. “That text, phone call, or social post is never more important than the task of driving.”

“Parents, your kids have been watching you drive since they were in a forward-facing car seat,” Kelly Browning, Ph.D., said. “Your driving habits will become their driving habits –  be the driver you want your kids to be.”

This emphasis on informing drivers about the dangers and consequences of reckless and distracted driving. So put down the phone. The unexpected can happen in an instant. Be proactive and Drop The Distraction.

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