Think about your commute, is it over a hour or more?

More people are spending more time driving and sitting in traffic.

Fast facts: More than 200,000 vehicles daily Cajon Pass commuters spend at least 90 minutes to two+ hours commuting to and from work each day.

That’s not counting big rigs drivers, which are about 6,000 truckers hauling freight each day.

More and more are living in the high desert and driving in Los Angeles County and Riverside County for work.

This trend will not go down anytime soon. The bad news it’s going up.

Crash fact: We are average out two to three days a week with a major accident that clogs the Cajon Pass, do to impatient driving and or driver fatigue beside the regular everyday traffic. This is not counting vehicle maintenance issues.

“Sitting in traffic is like a waste of time of your life, that you will not get back.”

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