LAKE ARROWHWEAD, CA. (Pain In The Pass) >> A lot of people are reporting seeing smoke in the air in the mountains Monday afternoon. It is coming from a prescribed burn (under a controlled burn) near Lake Arrowhead.

Fire crews plan to treat up to 360 acres in the Grass Valley area near Lake Arrowhead they have started last week and they are continuing this week. This is to reduce dead and down woody debris will make the area safer for firefighters to work behind homes in the event of a wildfire. Crews will remain on scene throughout the day as the fire continues to smolder and show smoke before mopping up.

The control burn is scheduled to begin all week through the night, if the weather conditions are safe for a productive control fire burn. The weather reports are predicted to be cold not to hot with light wind and expected limit smoke dispersion into the communities, but resident and visitors should be aware the smell and see smoke may be noticeable.

Smoke and flames may be visible from Silverwood Lake on Hwy 138 to the Lake Arrowhead/Big Bear area and on Highway 18 throughout each day/night. Please don’t call 911 to report smoke or flames in this area only. Firefighter are on scene working. Thank you.

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