DETROIT, MI. (Pain In The Pass) >> After a nationwide spike in Hyundai and Kia vehicle thefts, including the companies are offering a free security software update for certain models.

The dealerships are currently offering the updates, which is free. Officials said it is not available yet for all models, but the companies plan to make more vehicles eligible. The update is not part of a recall notices.

Police stated that half of the stolen vehicle involved Kias or Hyundais at one point early in the year.

People are still reaching out to us concerned about their Kia or Hyundai being stolen. We hope this upgrade can help ease some of their worries.

Although manufacturers can make every effort to notify affected customers about recalls, it’s not always possible. So, if you want to check if your car has an active recall, sometimes you need to do it yourself. Checking for a new or old recalls on your vehicle is easier than you think. Enter your vehicles VIN number at NHTSA recalls site or to see if your vehicle has a open recall.

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