DEVORE, CA. (Pain In The Pass) >> Drivers navigating their way around and through the Cajon Pass, might get turned around or go in the wrong direction with signs upside down, reversed, altered or just removed officials say.

It may seem like a harmless prank, but there is serious consequences that can result when signs are flipped over, removed, knocked down, altered, or stolen. People can be seriously injured or worse killed. Traffic signs are there for a reason not just for looks. They are there to help protect the drivers on the road. Signs communicate important information to travelers, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the area or using GPS.

While you can buy “Traffic” signs on the web or in stores, some people have been known to swipe the sign right off the street or freeways/highways. To young people, it can seem like harmless fun to snag a street sign or traffic sign. Unfortunately, the consequences can result in a misdemeanor charge or a felony, depending on the extent of the damage or the replacement of the sign.

In California, the Penal Code Section 602(f) makes it a misdemeanor to steal, alter, or post advertisements or notices on road signs and other public signs. Specifically, you can be charged with a crime for doing so. This can include up to six months in jail and fines of up to $1,000. However, you may also receive summary probation in lieu of jail time. Probation sentences can include such requirements as community service or paying restitution. 

If you witness a sign missing or altered and/or information that could lead to the conviction of individuals who take or damage a sign you can call 911 or your local police department.

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