San Bernardino County voters will be asked to consider YES or NO on Measure W San Bernardino County Fire Protection District on March 5th, 2024.
A “no” vote supports Firefighters, First Responders and Community Leaders OPPOSE Measure W
Measure W is DISHONEST:
The authors of Measure W are LYING to us. Contrary to their false statements, the Fire Protection District was established by local voters to keep fire stations open.
San Bernardino County voters already REJECTED this same ballot measure once before in the 2020 election.
Measure W is EXTREME:
Measure W will slash Emergency Medical and Fire Protection Services by $ 46.5 million — resulting in the closure of numerous local fire stations.
By cutting 20% of the County’s Fire Protection budget, Measure W will significantly reduce emergency response and fire protection services
Measure W is UNSAFE:
With fewer Fire Stations, Measure W will force paramedics and firefighters to come from farther away and significantly delay response times in medical emergencies – putting your safety at risk. Residents in our high and low deserts and mountain communities, as well as the cities of San Bernardino, Upland, Needles and Twentynine Palms, will be especially hard hit by these fire station closures. People will lose life over this.
Measure W is a FINANCIAL SCAM:
Measure W will actually COST YOU MORE. By reducing Fire Protection services, it will raise homeowners insurance rates by at least $500 per year – more than wiping savings of the fire service fee.
Renters will have their monthly rents raised as landlords pass on their higher insurance costs to their tenants.
Vote “NO” on Measure W on March 5th!

A “yes” vote supports repealing the special parcel tax that was approved by voters in 2006, which was in the amount of $117 per parcel per year, with an annual 3% cost of living increase, most recently set by the Board of Directors at $166.84 per parcel for fiscal year 2022-2023. Lining the pockets of public employee unions with taxpayer’s money is unacceptable.
Right now those in government are getting a gold mine while you are getting the shaft.
Vote “YES” on Measure W on March 5th! To remove this tax! firmly ask before they tax us!
Who’s really behind Measure W. The real beneficiaries are wealthy out-of-state residents who own large amounts of vacant land for future development and don’t want to pay their fair share for fire protection. Don’t let out-of-town land owners jeopardize your fire and paramedic services to give themselves a tax break.
Do the right thing think safety over taxes.
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