CAJON PASS, CA. (Pain In The Pass) >> It might be tempting to stop along a freeway or a highway in the high country to play in the snow, but doing so is not allowed and can impact public safety.

The California Department of Transportation is reminding drivers to use designated parking areas for snow play areas and to never stop along a freeway/highway’s shoulders to sled or play.

Freeway/Highway shoulders are there for emergencies vehicles ONLY. People who park along a shoulder may receive a citation. Parking along a shoulder can impede movement of emergency vehicles. It can also block snowplow operations and puts people, including children who are playing and other travelers, at risk if a crash occurs. Yes the truck escape ramp is OFF LIMITS and is dangerous if a truck needs to use the ramp.

People with plans to enjoy the snow should research locations, including designated snow play areas, that don’t involve parking along freeways/highways.

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