MOUNTAIN PASS, CA. (Pain In The Pass) >> A very fast cold front forced the closure of the 15 Freeway near the California-Nevada line early Thursday morning, leaving drivers stuck in their vehicles for hours in freezing conditions. (Photo above is credit by Ryan Ybarra.)

The California Highway Patrol and Caltrans shut down the freeway between Nipton Road near the Mountain Pass area and the town of Baker, starting early Thursday morning around 2am. They briefly reopened the roadway, then had to shut it down at 5am, finally reopening around 8:45am.

Conditions did worsen over day break as the temperature dropped to below freezing. Snow did expected at unusually low elevations, down to 3,000 feet. At one area, Caltrans officials said up to 3 inches of snow was on the roadway.

They said if there is the possibility of getting stranded, make sure you have a full tank of gas and carrying drinks and snacks with you.

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